Pamela Rucker
Vice President of IT for PSC
Pamela Rucker, Vice President of Information Technology, joined PSC in August 2005. In her role she has responsibility for all IT governance, business applications and IT shared services for the enterprise.
Prior to joining PSC, Pamela has worked in several industries managing enterprise initiatives for Fortune 500 firms.
She has previously worked in leadership roles at JP Morgan Chase, IBM, GM, First Union and Nabisco. Over her career, she has also led initiatives for GE Capital, Dun & Bradstreet, GMAC and Cingular. She has a highly consultative approach and has a track record of creating measurable results.
Pamela has been a featured speaker at Forrester’s IT Leadership Conference, CIO Magazine’s Perspectives Conference and the CIO Executive Summit.
She is a member of the CIO Leadership Network, a member of the CIO Magazine Editorial Research Panel and a member of the CIO Magazine CIO Executive Council. She is also a member of Executive Women in IT and helps mentor young women into careers in Information Technology.
How to Shine in a Dark Economy
PMI PDU Eligible
From this session you will:
• Understand how to keep projects alive during restricted budgeting efforts
• Find out how to help your team stand out as technology innovators
• Discover how to draw a direct correlation between the projects that you manage and the company’s future success
Attendees will also learn how to avoid the pressure that comes from the pride of application ownership, fear of technology obsolescence and pain of project expectation disappointments